R A P I D – A Viennese Journey By .dɩtiramb 2016

1. Februar – 7. Februar, 2016 in Wien

R A P I D - A “viennese journey by .ditiramb” (2016)


Zwischen 1. und 7. Februar 2016 besuchten 41 Studierende der Gray’s School of Art aus Aberdeen (Schottland) unter der Leitung von Jonathan Blackwood die Stadt Wien. Die Ziele des Besuchs waren, Wiens Gegenwartskunst kennenzulernen und in einer unbekannten Umgebung Kreativität und Reaktionen auszuprobieren. Ihre Arbeit wurde für eine Nacht als Pop-up Ausstellung in AU ausgestellt.

-a viennese journey by .dɩtiramb-

We are glad to spontaneously announce that 41 student from Gray’s School of Art will be visiting Vienna
from 1th to 7th of February. The aim of the visit is to learn more about the viennese contemporary art
on one side, and on the other to react and create in an unknown environment. Their work is going to be
shown just for one night, on Friday, February 5th, as pop up exhibition at AU, Brunnengasse 76.

During the week local groups/artists are going to present their projects to the students as follows:

Welcoming the students at AU
Gray’s School of Art introduction—7pm
Jonathan Blackwood

„this city is a jealous bitch“—8pm
introduction to AU
(mikal maldoror and blemija borovic)

dj javier cassani—10pm

The Eternal Archives were created by Peter Putz in 1980 and can be understood as a dynamic
encyclopedia of contemporary identities. They are among Austria’s most comprehensive non-
commercial, independent image databases, with images dating from 1905 and a metadata index with
detailed keyword referencing.
Peter Putz

„On contemporary art in Vienna“—7pm
Anamarija Batista

Welcoming students at Zigutamve gallery

have you seen our house #5
mo.ë is a non-commerical artist-run-space and atelier house focussing on experimentation and
production in diverse areas of arts and culture. mo.ë was founded in 2010. Its home base, the former
metal manufactory Mandelbaum in Thelemangasse 4, is currently in danger to be turned into luxury
apartments by a real estate agency. Thereupon hangs the existence of a versatile room for the Free
Scene in the balance as well as the preservation of affordable living and working rooms in the
neighbourhood of Hernals. Also at stake is a local reminder of both Vienna city’s and the district’s
history. This January mo.ë decided not to leave its space to secure its future.

Introduction to opening of a rapidly constructed group exhibition: „Rapid“
Jonathan Blackwood

+djs + visual art by Maja Zeco

You are kindly invited to join us!