Workcenter Encounters III- Open Program 2017 .ditirambWorkcenter Encounters III- Open Program 2017 .ditiramb



Workcenter Encounters III – Open Program 2017

Nach zwei Jahren der Kooperation mit dem Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards (Workcenter) ist der Verein .dɩtiramb entschlossen die Zusammenarbeit mit einem weiteren Projekt zu bereichern. Das Projekt Encounters III findet zwischen 11. und 17. Dezember 2017 in Wien statt. Die dritte Folge der Projektreihe Encounters stellt die Performance Events von Workcenter in Fokus und zielt darauf, dem Wiener Publikum die neuen Produktionen von Workcenter vorzustellen. Begleitend zu den Performance Events sind Guestlectures, Filmscreening und Fotoausstellung geplannt. Wie Grotowski es meinte, dass die „Art as presentation“ und „Art as vehicle“ den „chain“ von Performing Arts bilden, so sucht das Projekt Encounters III nach wichtigen Merkmalen dieser Relation. Stadt Wien ist eine wichtige Theaterstation seitdem das Workcenter seine Arbeit zu zeigen begann. Das Workcenter ist dafür bekannt, dass es intensiv und präzise arbeiten. Seine Arbeit an der Performing Arts Forschung umspannt mehr als dreißig Jahre, davon 12 Jahre direkt unter der Leitung des späten Jerzy Grotowski. Die Arbeit an den alten vibrierenden Liedern aus verschiedenen Traditionen in und um die sktruktuierte Aktion strebt in die Richtung der „transformation of energy in the doing person“. Die daraus entstandene Erfahrung ist die Folge einer außerordentlichen Bemühung und Geduld. Darum ist eines der Ziele des Projekts die Arbeit des Workcenters als ein mächtiges Werkzeug der Performing Arts Forschung im sozio-kulturellen Raum Wiens wahrzunehmen und darzustellen. Durch die Performance Events wird dem Publikum ermöglicht die gegenwärtige Resultate dieser Forschungsarbeit zu sehen.

Das Projekt wird von Verein .dɩtiramb in Kooperation mit Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards organisiert und durchgeführt.


12. Dezember 2017, 19 Uhr
Filmscreening mit Mario Biagini and The Open Program – Polnisches Institut Wien:
With Jerzy Grotowski, Nienadowka, 1980
Gestaltung: Mercedes Gregory.
Regie und Schnitt: Jill Godmilow.
Mit eine Einführung von Peter Brook.
Kinematographie by Maurice Jacobsen.
Länge: 59 min
Anschließende Diskussion mit Mario Biagini und Open Program Team
Grotowski returns to his childhood home of Nienadowka for the first time since the War, searching for people and places, the images and the sounds of his childhood—memories indelibly linked to his art and his life’s quest.In 1980, Jerzy Grotowski asked his friend Mercedes Gregory to put together a film crew and totravel with him to the small village of Nienadowka, Poland, where he and his family were sheltered during the German Nazi occupation. In this search for the people, places, images, sounds, and memories indelibly linked to his art, Grotowski reconnects with the locations where he had deeply penetrating experiences and tells us of what one can rediscover – our original joy, what he eloquently calls “the movement within the repose.”
Polnisches Institut Wien, Am Gestade 7, 1010 Wien

11.-17. Dezember 2017
Fotoausstellung Encounters
Galerie Zigutamve Photography, Hofstattgasse 23, 1180 Wien

13. Dezember 2017, 17 Uhr
Vortragsreihe- Wednesday Seminare
Vortrag von Mario Biagini am Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie:
The Politics of Community. What is the political potential of art? What is the political responsibility of artists?
Institut für Kultur- und Sozialantropologie
NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien, 4. Stock, HS C.

14. Dezember 2017, 19 Uhr
Viennese Open Choir Sessions
Interaktion and interventions of Open Program in Wien
The Open Choir is an exploration of what we consider a forgotten art form, which allows for fluid and active participation by all who attend. It is a free and open event, where everyone is gently invited to take part. This unique, non-sectarian meeting of people through songs of the African diaspora, carefully led by a trained core group of artists, allows people to come in contact with each other and with themselves through songs, dance, and interaction within a participatory context. Participants, coming from different backgrounds, co-create an artwork beyond cultural and social differences, catalyzing a shared space of meaningful recognition and interaction. This new and old performative art form disrupts the common western notion of a choir and questions our assumptions about community, belonging, identity, diversity, cultural appropriation, performance. During the Open Choir, songs begin around the participants, who are faced with simple choices: to witness, to move into the space of action, to follow remaining to the side, to sing and dance, and to find their own way to be present and support the work of the others. The songs themselves, their rhythms and melodies help to initiate engagement. The effect of the event encircles everyone in attendance, while the core group aids participants by articulating the space and leading the songs, actively building the evening together in present time.

Afripoint, Hofmühlgasse 2, 1060 Wien

15. Dezember 2017, 20 Uhr
Performance Event:
Dark Is My Mother (preview)
Konzept – Frauengruppe: Felicita Marcelli, Graziele Sena da Silva, Tabby Johnson, Ophelie Maxo, Agnieszka Kazimierska, Pauline Laulhé
Aufführung: Felicita Marcelli, Graziele Sena da Silva, Agnieszka Kazimierska, Pauline Laulhé
Regie: Mario Biagini
Dark Is My Mother is a serious and playful homage to the diverse manifestations of the ancient and powerful tradition of popular myth related to a feminine entity. It explores the tradition of women’s gatherings and women’s communities, it opens to a world where women’s play, imaginations, memories and temptations are woven into song, dance and praising. The ancestral backgrounds of the women of the Open Program are vast and deep: Mediterranean, Slavic Europe, West African, North and South American. In all these cultures there exist stories, poems and myths describing a feminine entity – seen as a mother and as a creative energy, but also as a terrible and destructive force that decides upon the destiny of mankind. Through the myths related to this feminine divine figure, to her fall and redemption, is woven the story of oppression and humiliation that has accompanied women on their journey through human history. Women all over the world have tenaciously resisted historical reality, by keeping alive a knowledge of life and nature, of its rhythm and cycles. This knowledge, a treasure within the hearts and bodies of women, is threatened but also still secretly nourished. Dark Is My Mother is a contemporary reply to these myths, and bears within itself the seeds of the surging humanity of our days, a humanity that enriches itself by continuing to blend elements of diverse origins. It is a vision, conjugated in the feminine, of how living traditions can reappear and renew themselves, brought together by the migrant humanity of our times.

Lalish Theaterlabor, Genzgasse 62, 1180 Wien

Projektleitung: Thomas Gasser, Dino Rekanović, Goran Bećirčić
Grafikdesign: Eszter Korodi
Webdesing: Ana Maria Simionovici
Kooperationen: Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, Polnisches Institut Wien, Zigutamve Photography, Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Afripoint, Lalish Theaterlabor.