Tamistad 23

Programm // Programme


in co-operation with Literaturmeile


Reading and artist talk with Mascha Dabić and Barbi Marković
– Eine normale Lesung mit Nonnen, Miki und Mini, Barbi und Mascha –

Concert: Jelena Popržan 

16 September 2023
Photo Cluster – Zigutamve Photography
Zieglergasse 34, 1070 Wien

Barbi Marković was born in 1980 in Belgrade and holds a degree in German studies. She has lived in Vienna since 2006. In 2009, Marković garnered public attention with her remix novel ‘Ausgehen’ (Going Out), based on Thomas Bernhard’s work. Her 2016 novel ‘Superheroines’ received the Alpha Literature Prize, the Advancement Award of the Adelbert von Chamisso Prize, and, in 2019, the Priessnitz Prize. In 2017, she presented her work at the Bachmann Prize, including a number of short stories, plays, and radio plays. In 2023, she was awarded the Berlin Art Prize for Literature. Her recent works published by Residenz Verlag include ‘Die verschissene Zeit’ (2021) and ‘Minihorror’ (2023).

Mascha Dabić translates literature from the Balkan region, teaches translation and interpreting (Russian) at the University of Vienna, and occasionally writes.

Jelena Popržan
‘An album on which the gates to musical diversity are being opened wide: the violist and singer JELENA POPRŽAN shows on her solo debut “La Folia” (Lotus Records) in a stirring way what kind of extraordinary things can come about once one breaks away from all classical musical concepts.’
– Music Export Austria (2020)



.dɩtiramb presents:

Film screening: ‘The Box’ (2023) – Tomaž Pavkovič
The 1960s and 1970s in Yugoslavia, a country that has ceased to be. A young family moves from a rural environment to a small Slovenian town, where factories are being built and the need for workforce is increasing. Two brothers are growing up in that shaky but magical in-between, soaked in the everyday rhythms of the community, infused with the ideology of the time.

Reading with Marko Pogačar hosted by Mirza Purić

30 September 2023, 18:00
Photo Cluster
Zieglergasse 34, 1070 Wien

Marko Pogačar (1985) is one of the most widely translated young poets in Croatia. His books have been translated into ten languages, and various prose pieces and poems into thirty. He is an editor, anthologist and a prolific literary critic.

Mirza Purić is a literary translator. His recent work includes Marko Pogačar’s Neon South (Sandorf Passage, 2022) and Faruk Šehić’s Under Pressure (Istros Books, 2019). His has published in Agni, Asymptote, Literary Hub, EuropeNow, The Well Review, and elsewhere.

Tomaž Pavkovič is a videographer, director, journalist, producer, VJ and multimedia artist. He is the author of several short films which were screened and awarded at various domestic and international film festivals. He works as a primary school film teacher and leads film workshops focusing on natural and cultural heritage in Posavje and Dolenjska regions.




.dɩtiramb presents:

Reading with Elena Messner hosted by Mascha Dabić

Elena Messner is a writer, critic, editor, translator and academician. She has won a number of prizes and bursaries for her literary and academic work, most recently the Theodor-Körner prize in 2022. Her 2023 novel Schmerzambulanz (The Pain Clinic) has met with critical acclaim and has quickly found a readership in Austria and other German-speaking countries. She teaches at the University of Klagenfurt and works as a researcher at the Department of Slavic Studies, University of Vienna.

Mascha Dabić translates literature from the Balkan region, teaches translation and interpreting (Russian) at the University of Vienna, and occasionally writes.

Butoh dance ‘Kagebara’ by Will Lopes
The soul lost in the shadow world, the warring masculine, the oppressed feminine, the animal in revolution and the spirit in free flight towards eternal light are the main scenes that compose this solo. The piece recounts the archetypal human search for liberation from the dimensions that enslave us, and the encounter with our free existence.

Will Lopes is a Brazilian Butoh dancer, producer, performer and theatre director. He has studied theatre, dance, dance-theatre, dramatic body mime, physical comic, Butoh, circus, martial arts, and vertical dance, and holds a  Master’s degree in Communication and Semiotics. Since July 2018, He is based in Vienna and develops courses, workshops and performances in Austria and other European countries.

Concert: ŽEN
Formed in 2010 in Zagreb (Croatia), audio-visual band ŽEN combines intricate arrangements and immersive live visuals to create a fully authentic shoegaze post rock experience. ŽEN playfully dissects gender stereotypes and crosses the boundaries of audio and visual art, evoking journeys through vocal harmonisation submerged in a progressive symbiosis of guitar, bass, drums and synths. If we were to try to define them by genre, the closest we would get is a complex form of indie-rock, informed by various style and genre characteristics ranging from post-rock to shoegaze, math-rock, vintage synthwave and experimental electronics.

DJ Set: Iv/An
After years of appearing in adapted context or under various guises (Narrow, Umrijeti za strojem, I/II, Split Personalities), in 2015 Iv/An decided to step out of his own shadows and continue apace under his (sort-of) real name.

10 October 2023, 20:00
Praterstern 5, 1020 Wien

.dɩtiramb presents:

Reading with Andrej Nikolaidis hosted by Mascha Dabić 

13 October 2023, 19:30
Photo Cluster
Zieglergasse 34, 1070 Wien

Andrej Nikolaidis is a contemporary writer from one of Europe’s newest and smallest states: Montenegro. Born in 1974 to a mixed Montenegrin-Greek family and raised in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Nikolaidis was an ardent supporter of Montenegrin independence, an anti‐war activist and promoter of human rights. Nikolaidis initially became known for his political views and public feuds, appearing on local television and on newspapers with his razor‐sharp political commentaries. He writes for the weekly news magazine Slobodna Bosna and is a columnist of Delo (Ljubljana) and E‐novine (Belgrade). He also writes for the UK newspaper The Guardian. He has written three novels and was awarded the European Prize for Literature 2011. He lives in the Mediterranean town of Ulcinj.
He has written 14 books (fiction, cultural theory) which have been translated into 14 european languages, available in more than 20 editions. The Novels ‘Die Ankunft’ and ‘Der Sohn’ are published by Voland und Quist, Leipzig. In spring 2018, the same publisher published the german-language edition of ‘The Hungarian Sentence’. He has received numerous prizes for his literary work, including the 2016 Meša Selimović prize for the best novel written in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro.

Mascha Dabić translates literature from the Balkan region, teaches translation and interpreting (Russian) at the University of Vienna, and occasionally writes.


.dɩtiramb presents:

Reading with Staša Aras hosted by Melisa Slipac 

Concert: Roozbeh Nafisi Trio

21 October 2023, 18:00
VinziRast – Dachatelier
Lackierergasse 10, 1090 Wien

Stanislava Staša Nikolić Aras was born in 1972 in Trogir. She writes poems, stories, essays, reflections, reminiscences, newspaper articles, critiques and reviews of literary works. She is the artistic director of Teatro VeRRdi Arts Organisation which produces and organises art projects in the field of performing arts. She is the author of the script for the puppet play ‘Ecology and Society’, staged by the Zadar Puppet Theatre. She is one of the founders and organisers of the Festival of Literature Kalibar and a member of Zapis, the Association of Writers from Zadar, through which she organised and moderated a series of literary and hosting events. She has been running creative writing workshops in Zadar and other cities since 2007. She has worked with translator and poet Vojo Šindolić as an editor and associate on several book projects. Stanislava Nikolić Aras lives and works in Zadar and Dubrovnik.

Melisa Slipac was born in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1978. She holds an MA in English, Spanish, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language and literature from the University of Vienna. She published a book of poetry Ples između zidova (Dancing Between the Walls) in 2007, a bilingual collection of poetry Troglavi svijet/Dreikopfwelt (Three-Headed World) with two other female authors in 2017, a monograph titled Black Female Sexuality and the Nature of Womanhood in 2009 and a few academic articles on Post-Yugoslav women-orientated literature. She is an active member of the intercultural associations ditiramb and LINE IN. She works as a language teacher and trainer and is currently finishing her doctoral thesis at the Department of Slavonic Studies, University of Vienna.

Roozbeh Nafisi Trio is an improvisation ensemble based in Vienna, transcending disciplines of art to bring about innovative modes of conversation.
Roozbeh Nafisi – Santur
Alessandro Visard – Double bass
Esad Halilovic – Percussion


Reading with Mette Moestrup and Katrine Øgaard Jensen hosted by Mirza Purić I In Kooperation mit ROTLICHT Festival

Concert: ‘beams to bend’ Dušan Chládek

25 November 2023, 18:00
Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Lehárgasse 8, Tor 2, 1060

Mette Moestrup is a Danish poet, literary critic and feminist, born in 1969. She had her debut as a poet in 1998, and has published five books of poetry, a novel and two children’s books. Her poetry has been translated into Swedish, Norwegian, German, and English and she has received the Montana Prize, the Aarestrup Medal, the Beatrize Prize, and the Danish Art Foundation’s lifelong Honorary Grant. In addition to writing poetry, Moestrup works with translation, teaching, performance, net-poetry as well as collective, cross-aesthetic projects. She lives in Copenhagen. Her latest poetry collection, Til den smukkeste (To the Most Beautiful), is forthcoming in English translation from co-im-press in 2023.

Katrine Øgaard Jensen is a writer and translator from the Danish. She is a recipient of several fellowships and awards, including the Danish Arts Foundation’s ‘Young Artistic Elite’ Fellowship in 2020 as well as the 2018 National Translation Award in Poetry for her translation of Ursula Andkjær Olsen’s book-length poem, Third-Millennium Heart (Broken Dimanche Press/Action Books 2017). Her translation of Ursula Andkjær Olsen’s Outgoing Vessel (Action Books 2021) was a finalist for the 2022 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. Her latest translation, My Jewel Box by Ursula Andkjær Olsen, was published by Action Books in March 2022.

Mirza Purić is a literary translator. His recent work includes Marko Pogačar’s Neon South (Sandorf Passage, 2022) and Faruk Šehić’s Under Pressure (Istros Books, 2019). He has published in Agni, Asymptote, Literary Hub, EuropeNow, The Well Review, and elsewhere.

Dušan Chládek is a Viennese guitarist and composer. His pieces are inspired by piano music, above all the works of composers such as Debussy, Koehlin and Takemitsu. He has performed widely in Austria and the Czech Republic.


Reading with Magdalena Blažević hosted by Melisa Slipac /// Texts read by Andrea Majoros-Hashempour

9 Decemberr 2023, 19:30
Photo Cluster
Zieglergasse 34, 1070 Wien

Magdalena Blažević was born in 1982 in Žepče, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has published a collection of short stories titled ‘Svetkovina’ (Fraktura and Kontrast, 2020), some of which have been included in the anthology ‘Take six: Six Female Balkan Writers’ (Dedalus, 2023). Translations into Macedonian and German are forthcoming. Her first novel, ‘U kasno ljeto’ (Fraktura, Booka, Buybook 2022), will soon be published in French, Catalan and Slovenian. It has also been adapted into a radio drama under the auspices of the Croatian Radio’s drama programme. Both books were shortlisted for the Fric Award, and the novel ‘U kasno ljeto’ won the Tportal award for the best novel in Croatia in 2022.
She has received several awards for her short stories, including the Zija Dizdarević Award (2019) and the Ranko Marinković Award (2021). She is an occasional photographer.

Melisa Slipac was born in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1978. M.A. in English, Spanish, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language and literature and Ph.D. in Slavic Studies from the University of Vienna. Published a book of poetry Ples između zidova (Dancing among the Walls) in 2007, a bilingual collection of poetry Troglavi svijet/Dreikopfwelt (Three headed World) with two other female authors in 2017, a monography Black Female Sexuality and Nature of Womanhood in 2009 and a few academic articles on Post-Yugoslav women-oriented literature. Co-founder and board member of the intercultural associations ditiramb and LINE IN. Works as a language teacher and trainer in Vienna.

Andrea Majoros-Hashempour was born in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. After completing studies in molecular biology at University of Novi Sad, she moved to Vienna, where she aquired her doctorate degree at University of Vienna. She remains here to this day working as a scientist and enjoying mountains and good company.


Tamistad ist ein literarisches Projekt von .dıtiramb, das seit 2021 in Wien stattfindet. In den vergangenen Jahren wurden zwölf Schriftsteller*innen dem Wiener Publikum präsentiert. Ausgehend vom interkulturellen Austausch und der Idee einer Weltnachbarschaft im literarischen Sinne, ist das Projekt Tamistad als ein Knotenpunkt zwischen den Schriftsteller*innen, Übersetzer*innen und dem Publikum gedacht.

Das Projekt ist eine Fortsetzung, beziehungsweise Weiterentwicklung der vorherigen literarischen Projekte .dıtirambs und wird im Zeitraum von Oktober 2021 bis Dezember 2023 durchgeführt. Während die Projektidee um die Lesung als den wichtigsten performativen Projektteil kreist, wird der Umfang des Projekts durch Performances von Künstler*innen anderer Disziplinen und multimediale Inhalte im Bezug zu den eingeladenen AutorInnen erweitert. Die „Verschmelzung“ der anderen Künste mit der Literatur erfordert eine transdisziplinäre Arbeitsweise im Projekt.

Für die Lesungen, die von September bis Dezember 2023 stattfinden werden, wollen wir weitere acht Schriftsteller*innen einladen. Um das Projekt noch attraktiver und den dadurch ermöglichten kulturellen Austausch substanzieller zu machen, will .dɩtiramb in der kommenden Zeit das Format mit Künstler*innen aus anderen Sparten ausweiten. Dieser Aspekt des Projekts besteht darin, Schriftsteller*innen mit Filmemachern, Fotografen, Musikern, Theatermachern und bildenden Künstlern, mit denen sie den ästhetischen Ansatz oder thematische Interessen teilen, zusammenzubringen und somit die Lesungen als synkretistische künstlerische Ereignisse zu gestalten. Auf diese Weise hoffen wir auch, unter anderem, neue Publikumsschichten zu erreichen.


Tamistad is a literary project by .dıtiramb, implemented in Vienna since 2021. Under the auspices of Tamistad, twelve writers have presented their work to the Viennese audience. Rooted in intercultural exchange and the idea of global literary neighbourliness, the Tamistad project is conceived as a nexus connecting writers, translators and readers.

The project is a continuation or evolution of .dıtiramb’s previous literary endeavours, and it is scheduled to run from October 2021 to December 2023. While live readings make up the core of the project, we attempt to pair the authors and poets with musicians, visual and performance artists, photographers, illustrators, etc., with whom they share common aesthetics, poetics or modus operandi.

A further eight events will take place from September to December 2023.
